What Else We Can Do To Manage The Finances For You & Your Business?
Are you a NDIS Service provider and not too sure about your Accounting, GST, Tax and Financial matters. You need an Accountant who specialised in NDIS and understand the rules and regulations behind NDIS scheme focus on your accounting and financial matters and real time accounting so you monitor your financial progress and growth. We are well versed with NDIS service plans and categories, service an booking codes, price guide and GST issues.
Axial can relieve you of the time you take away from your business to deal with your accounts, to ensure that they are done professionally, and meet all statutory requirements. If your business is new, you might not be aware of what is involved. To see at a glance what business book-keeping involves, decide whether you have the time and the expertise to do all this yourself. The time you spend doing your accounts, and working out what they are telling you about your business, is time you could be using to deal with your customers, or drumming up more business, or spending time with friends and family. If you don’t have professional training, book-keeping, accounting and tax planning can be stress-full as well.
So, use your time to best advantage and create a stress-free zone in your business, by engaging Axial accounting to deal with your financials. We can set up paperless bookkeeping so you get rid of shoe box receipts or work with your existing software, (Xero, Quickbooks, MYOB) as we are certified Pro Advisor Quickbooks and Xero. Our services include Setup of Accounting Software, Bookkeeping, preparation of Financial Statements, Business Activity Lodgment (BAS), Tax return, Single Touch Payroll (STP), Bank reconciliations and compliance with local law. We offer a fixed accounting fee packages inclusive of all those services.
Book an appointment with CPA Tax Accountant today!
Give us a call on – 028 742 4969
Or send us an email – atif@axialplanmanagement.com.au